비전공자의 IT 공부/혼자서 공부하는 React

일정 관리 앱[3]. Momentum

찹키리 2021. 5. 17. 18:47

📋 Momentum


[🔨 Stack]

  • CRA(Create React-App)






[📸 Screenshots]








[🌎 Link]





React App








[📂 APIs / Libs]

- Background

  • Unsplash API to get random pictures



- Date / Time

  • Date function to get date, time information
  • Day.js for formatting the date info



- Weather

  • Navigator function to get geolocation information
  • Free Weather API
  • Axios




  • Mainly styled-components
  • Scss for the components which has complex logic or relatively large amount of codes
  • Classnames lib to give specific condition
  • React-icons



- Deploy

  • Gh-pages






[🎓 What I've learned]

- React

  • Get used to React environment by executing small project which made me to use React functions I've learned in the book all by myself 



- Hooks

  • Understand the use of useState, useEffect and useCallback more specifically using them in the real project by alone




  • Enhance the understanding of 'flex'
  • Arrangement of html elements



- Local storage

  • Realize the difference of use between local storage and useState






[🔧 What needs to be improved]

- Application Optimization

  • Still have difficulties to optimize the functions due to the lack of advanced skills such as Redux



-Clean Code

  • Codes work, but definitely not a good example of well-organized codes




  • Skills and understanding of using web browser space
  • Understand the quality of fonts




  • Plan to extend the project so that I can manage datas with DB
  • Widen the boundaries of stack to Node.js